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Experience in Istanbul, Turkey by Jed

Published by flag-tn Jed Aziz — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-tr Erasmus experiences Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey

What is it like to live in Istanbul? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

I've been in Istanbul for over a month now and it's really even better then what I expected. You can find everything and it's really fun to live here. I don't have a single regret about my decision of living here.

What is the student lifestyle like in Istanbul?

From my experience studying in Okan University it's really great. The university is so big and has everything, also it's so diverse that you can find people from all around the world and that's what I was looking for.

How much does it cost to live in Istanbul?

It depends on the person. It's not that expensive and, at the same time, it's not that cheap.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Istanbul? Is there any advice you can give?

Finding accommodations is not that hard. There are Facebook groups for finding roommates and rooms. If your looking to rent a house there are plenty of sites on the internet for it. You just gotta put some effort on it and know how to communicate with the agency and owners.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

I come from an arabic country so the food in Turkey is not that different from where I came from. Plus you can find everything, from traditional turkish dishes to American fast food. One of my favorite dishes is Donner.

What places would you recommend visiting in Istanbul?

Taksim, Kadikoy, Soltan Ahmad, Basiktas... and the list goes on and on...

Is it good to eat out in Istanbul? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

To be honest, I'm not that good at cooking.


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