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Experience in Istanbul, Turkey by Gülşah

Published by flag-tr Gülşah Okutan — 7 years ago

0 Tags: flag-tr Erasmus experiences Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey

What is it like to live in Istanbul? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

You are able to go down to the seaside when you are bored, you can try to drink coffee in Sultahmet at weekends, you can go to the islands by ship and also you can travel from Europe to Asia by ship with a wonderful view, you can watch the Istanbul from Galata Tower and you can find all kinds of cultural activities and entertainment.

What is the student lifestyle like in Istanbul?

Istanbul has lots of opportunities for students.You can find lots of cafes, you can go to cultural places or you can find lots of courses for learning new things.Also it has lots of activities.

How much does it cost to live in Istanbul?

It depends on which places you are going. But for me Beşiktaş and Kadıköy are affordable places for students.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Istanbul? Is there any advice you can give?

Istanbul is very open city for foreign students and people are hospitable.In general, its not hard to find a place but the accommodation should be in center.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Turkish meals are very delicious.My favorite is iskender.Its a type of kebap.When they came to Istanbul, they should try kebap, baklava, Turkish delight and Turkish coffee.

What places would you recommend visiting in Istanbul?

They should visit Hagia Sophia, Topkapı Palace, Maiden's Tower, Galata Tower and Basilica Cistern.

Is it good to eat out in Istanbul? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

Yes, meals are delicious.If they want to taste some cultural meals, they should visit Sultanahmet.

Is the nightlife good in Istanbul? Where is good to go?

Yes, Istanbul is energetic city.Even in early mornings you can find open places.Beyoğlu is known as a good for nightlife.

What advice would you give future students heading to Istanbul?

They should search activities in Istanbul and they should try to meet with another Erasmus students.Its good to meet with new cultures and new people.Also they should try every cultural things in Istanbul because Istanbul connects Asia and Europe.So that means it connects different culture.They should try to learn them.

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