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One semester in Erasmus to Göttingen

Published by flag-fr Zoé Larose — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-de Erasmus experiences Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

The first impression I had was surprised from how nice the center was. The little streets and main places are very sweet and like someone I met there said, it could be a snowball village.

The university takes charge of a lot of things, at the beginning of the semester your chipcard allows you to go for free anywhere in Göttingen buses but also in the whole Niedersachsen region if you take the regional trains (looonger trips but great).

You can get an exchange buddy to pick you up at the station and help you for the first steps and later a study buddy to help with your studies.

There are many events for erasmus students, welcome dinners and get together (Stammtisch), private parties, international cultural events at the Foyer international (english workshop, special nights, typical german, french, spanish and italian nights, english movie night, theatre class and orientation workshop).

The city has 3 theaters, 2 cinemas (my favourite is Lumiere, more experimental films, unknown), dance places, a cultural center Musa...

You can go wander in the lake in Rosdorf or on parks, to the Plesse hill where there is a fort and panoramic view or stay in Göttingen and visit the little stores or get in a coffee shop and stay there enjoying the mood.

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