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Erasmus Experience in Göttingen, Germany by Elena-Beatrice


Why did you choose to go to Göttingen, Germany?

I chose to go to this city, since it was the only one that had a contract with my business school in England. I do not regret the choice! The city is amazing!

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

The scholarship depends from which country you come from/how much money they can spend it on their Erasmus students.

The UK university calculated around 350 €/month which they paid it in two tiers. One before I left for Germany and the second tier, after I arrived and the partner university signed a paper that stated I am starting my courses.

What is the student lifestyle like in Göttingen?

It is really entertaining and engaging. There are different activities for international students every week. You have different themed parties, trips around Germany or other parts of Europe and even more.

Everyone is friendly, welcoming and helpful.


Would you recommend the city and the University of Göttingen to other students?

Of course! It is an amazing and entertaining for all international students.

What is the food like?

Well, you have typical German food, but there are also a lot of street foods in the city and beautiful restaurants around the city. You have Greek, Thai, Italian and even Turkish themed restaurants. Whatever you need/want you can find it in the city, if you look carefully for it.

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Göttingen?

I was lucky enough to get accommodation in the campus. The only thing was that I needed to stay somewhere for 2 weeks because my courses started already, but my campus accommodation did not start yet. What I did was that I searched through Airbnb and found a perfect place to live with a very friendly family.

Also, there is a really good hostel in the city which is really cheap and the conditions are amazing!


How much does it cost to live in Göttingen?

It can be quite an expensive city. It depends how lucky you are, but rooms differ from 300 €/month to even 600 €/month. It depends where you want to live, what you find and how picky you are.

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

They have language course at the Georg-Augustus University. The language is easy to grasp if you really want to learn it.

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Göttingen from your city?

From the UK, plane and then either Megabus from the airport to Gottingen, or MeinFerienbus.

Megabus is cheaper, but MeinFerienBus has more stations and the conditions are much more better.

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Göttingen?

Clubs, restaurants, fraternity parties... depends what you like to do on a night out.


And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Göttingen?

Kartoffelhaus, Vapiano or Nudelhaus is really good.

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

The Zoological museum of the university of Gottingen, the Ganseliensel.

Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Göttingen in the future?

Just be prepared for the changing weather! In summer/spring it is really hot during the day and then it starts to rain heavily in the evening. When I stayed there last year, I had the 'luck' to catch 2 weeks of no rain and only hot weather.


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