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Erasmus experience in Gdansk, Poland by Alvaro

Why did you choose to go to Gdansk, Poland?

To be honest, I was offered the position by chance because other students had turned it down. It was my third choice. I chose Polish cities as a priority because of the cost and also because other medicine students spoke well of Poland.


How long does the grant last? How much financial aid do you receive?

You can choose to stay between 5 or 10 months. I chose 10 months because given the fact that I was leaving my home town, I wanted to have the complete experience. As it's Poland, you get 200 euros a month for only 5 months. My parents are paying the rest. Apart from that, the Regional Government of Andalucia pay 100 euros for a few months. 75 euros a week is enough for all the necessities, including outings.

What's the student life like in Gdansk?

Really good. There are lots of medicine students from all over the world. You can meet people from all over Europe, Arabic countries or South America. It's a unique opportunity to become more open-minded.

Would you recommend the city and the university of Gdansk to other students?

Without a doubt. They don't even need to think about it. The city has a highly recommendable historic centre and it's easy to get about by tram. What's more, the classes are in English meaning you really improve your English language skills and they're quite easy.

How is the food?

Soup and meat are the bases for the majority of Polish foods. It really depends on the place as to whether you will like it or not. But in a traditional Polish restaurant you will really enjoy the food.


Was it difficult to find accommodation in Gdansk?

Not at all. My university offered me the opportunity to live in a halls of residence with lots of other Erasmus students 10 minutes away from the university. Communal living is the best for everyday life.

How much does it cost to live in Gdansk?

You can manage well on 75 euros a week (around 300 zlotys). 100 euros a week should be more than enough. Take into account the halls of residence (around 80 euros a month) and the gym next to the university (around 17 euros a month).

How is the language learning? Have you been to language classes organised by the university?

No. But simply by communicating everyday in English you improve a lot. Without problems.

What's the cheapest way to get to Gdansk from where you live?

From Malaga to Oslo, and then to Gdansk. But there are definitely better options, like Malaga-Warsaw, and from there a bus or train to Gdansk.

Which places would you recommend for partying in Gdansk?

In Gdansk the main clubs are Parlament and Bunkier, but apart from that there are lots of cheap bars which close late, like Irish Pub, u Szkota (Scottish pub), Pijalnia, Absinthe...

Also, Sopot is a ten minute train ride away, another nearby city that has lots of clubs, like Ego, Czekolada, Dream Club, Zla Kobieta, Makahiki...


And what about eating in Gdansk? What are your favourite places?

To be honest I haven't eaten out much but apart from the Polish restaurants there are really good burger bars in the old town.

And which cultural visits would you recommend?

The old town without a doubt, with the harbour. And the basilica.

A word of advice for future students in Gdanks?

Don't hesitate in putting Gdansk as your first choice. You won't regret it. Really good university atmosphere, people from lots of different countries and of course lots of Spanish people.

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