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Paula's Erasmus Experience in Copenhagen, Denmark

Why did you choose to go to Copenhagen, Denmark?

It was sort of random really... It could have been any other city in Scandinavia, or even Paris :)

How long was the placement? How much money did you receive?

I came here off my own back, I'm not linked to any universities.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Copenhagen to other students?

Yes, the city is wonderful!

What's the food like?

Great! There's plenty of quality food to offer.

Was it hard finding a place to live in Copenhagen?

No, I found somewhere in less than 36 hours.

How much are the living costs in Copenhagen?

Perhaps with around 700 - 900 euros [a month], you can live comfortably.

What is the language like? Did you take any language courses at the University?

It's rather difficult. I wasn't able to access any free courses as I don't have credits.

What is the cheapest way to get to Copenhagen from your hometown?

By foot of course...

And what about eating in Copenhagen? Can you tell us where your favourite places are?

Gorm's in Torvehallerne and Café Bopa in Bopa Plads.

And for the cultural side?

There's Amalienborg, many parks... etc.

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