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Experience in Copenhagen, Denmark by Tangmo

What is it like to live in Copenhagen? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

This city is full of incredible things! Who would have thought most of the urban population rely on 60% as a transportation?! Even on the rainy days, snowie day, Danes got no fear! The landscapes here are generally flat, that's why a Dane loves to go skiing (because you always want what you can't have). People are very rational and the way the country is govern is very well functioning. The welfare system has created a sustainable support for its population from education, healthcare, unemployment insurance, infrastructure etc!

What is the student lifestyle like in Copenhagen?

It is very independent and relies much of self learning and striving! Danish students' lives are mainly funded by the government support. Therefore, they are very independent from thier parents, and are able to focus much on thier studies instead of having to worry about thier bills. Although, it's very normal to have a 15-hour job along the side of his/ her study!

How much does it cost to live in Copenhagen?

About 4,500DKK per month (include apartment rent, food and other things)

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Copenhagen? Is there any advice you can give?

Yes, Copenhagen has a large excess in demand for housing. In the past years, students from all over the country moved to CPH for higher education. It made finding decent apartments with good price to live very hard. Advice? Rely on your university to find one if you're an exchange student. But, if you're a full degree, invest on the housing website (with some subscribtion cost) and cross your fingers.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

They have Smorebrod... Open face sandwich. There's different varieties of toppings you can choose from. But the food culture in Denmark is very limited on meat, brown sauce and potatoes!

What places would you recommend visiting in Copenhagen?

Main shopping street, Tivolli (theme park) and Christiania

Is it good to eat out in Copenhagen? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

It's expensive to eat out in Copenhagen. But, I particularly like the vegetarian/ stake buffet resturant called 'Riz Raz'

Is the nightlife good in Copenhagen? Where is good to go?

It is, though again, it's expensive. I'd normally go to RUST on Wednesday. Kodbyen is a unique area to be. HIVE is a classy one. The Butchers is a really cool place.

What advice would you give future students heading to Copenhagen?

It's a great place to study. It's got the perfect study environment, very limited distractions, yet there's always some excitement for you to explore!

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