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Experience in Copenhagen, Denmark by Patsuda

Published by flag-th Pat Wipanan — 8 years ago

0 Tags: flag-dk Erasmus experiences Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

What is it like to live in Copenhagen? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Slow-life it's called. Living here in Copenhagen, you get to see how Danes live their lives. :) Though there're nothing much here, you will love the city anyways. The buildings are beautiful. The pedestrian are good. The bike lanes are superb. All the components make the city itself charming.

Regarding the weather, winter is a lil bit tough to handle. Yet, when the sun comes in, things are really great.

What is the student lifestyle like in Copenhagen?

Freedom of speech is the most important thing here. In class, you can raise your hand telling your opinion, ask questions, or even criticize what the professor says. Most students spend lots of time studying in the library. Yet, when it's time for party, they also party hard.

How much does it cost to live in Copenhagen?

It depends on your lifestyle actually. However, the biggest chunk of your money will go to the rent.

The housing market here go nuts, I have to say. The rent is expensive because of the high demand. Especially, if you're not the locals here, it's kinda hard for you to know the places that are on offer with reasonable prices. Most of them will offer the rent through connection and network. It'd be beneficial if you know someone here. In some places, the landlords ask for 5,000 - 6,000 DKK/month. As an international student, getting an accommodation less than 4,000 DKK/month is considered lucky.

Eating out is expensive but if you cook food at home, it's way much cheaper!!! And you can save lots of bucks by doing that :)

As for transportation, the price here is not that bad. Yet, you can save a lot more by biking.

In general, I spend around 8,500 DKK a month, including my rent.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Copenhagen? Is there any advice you can give?

Very very very difficult. Make sure you can get the place to live before September, which is the month that semester starts. Trust me, August and September are hectic months. The private housing market is not good. You have to be fast and efficient in contacting the landlord. Also, I find that facebook groups work better than the accommodation websites. Yet, beware of scams in any cases. Never give money by cash or western union.

If you're on an exchange, you are 70-80% safe because the international office will assist you in finding short-term accommodation. So, to secure your life (in case you cannot get one from private housing market), grasp the offer from the international office is the best solution.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Danish brunch is nice!

What places would you recommend visiting in Copenhagen?


Is it good to eat out in Copenhagen? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

The paper island

Is the nightlife good in Copenhagen? Where is good to go?


What advice would you give future students heading to Copenhagen?

Prepare to find the accommodation early. And...also lots of money to spend here too :)

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