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Erasmus Experience in Copenhagen, Denmark by camilla

Published by flag-gb camilla wordie — 10 years ago

0 Tags: flag-dk Erasmus experiences Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Why did you choose to go to Copenhagen, Denmark?

I had the option to do an erasmus with my university, there were a choice of 5 cities to go to that were suited to my degree of which one was Copenhagen. My mothers side of the family is Danish so it only felt natural to explore the country and take the opportunity to spend 6 months not only getting to know the culture but also the education system.

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

The scholarship is one academic semester (approx 5 months) but most people arrive a couple of weeks early to get to know their surroundings and often others stay on after the semester is over. The amount of money one receives changes each year and certainly wont fully support you but is a great addition and contributes well to everyday life.

What is the student lifestyle like in Copenhagen?

Everyone is extremely hard working and is very grateful to be studying which is a lovely atmosphere to be part of. Everyone is very welcoming and is interested to know what your home university is like in comparison. The Danes make a great effort at talking English and thoroughly enjoy doing so which is great and very helpful!

Would you recommend the city and the University of Copenhagen to other students?

Absolutely, I loved it! The city is incredible and requires a lot of exploring but well worth it, friends and I often went on trips out of the city to visit other towns. The University of Copenhagen is a lovely university, I personally was at the Copenhagen Design School which has a beautiful campus and excellent food!

What is the food like?

I personally was not a fan of traditional danish food but despite that the food in Copenhagen is great - so many different cuisines and great food markets!

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Copenhagen?

No I was fortunate enough to have family in Copenhagen who I stayed with at the beginning of my erasmus and then I moved into a flat which belonged to a family friend.

How much does it cost to live in Copenhagen?

Depending on the area one chooses to live, price varies. Due to the metro system being so great and everyone having bicycles, I don't think it matter hugely if you would rather live further out and pay less and very easy to get into town quickly as its so small and everything is very close when on a bicycle!

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

I found it impossible but those who spoke Dutch, French or German as well as English managed to pick it up quite quickly. The Danish Design School provided a language course which consisted of 5 hours a week of class, it was very well run and extremely good just sadly I found it very difficult! Everyone in Copenhagen speaks English too which makes it a lot harder to practice ones Danish when out and about.

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Copenhagen from your city?

Bicycle! They get you everywhere, are the quickest and the cheapest!

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Copenhagen?

There are many places to go but to be honest I most enjoyed drinking beer with friends in the park/river bank or going to a small cosy bar - lots around!

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Copenhagen?

There is an amazing indoor food market called Torvehallerne near Nerroport metro station which is great for all types of nibbles - amazing confit duck sandwich!

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

I think it is defiantly worth going to Lousianna museum, its a short train journey out of the city centre but a lovely place to go for the day! Also the Arken Gallery which is a modern art museum on the coast, yet again a short train ride out of the city centre but my friends and I biked all the way - great journey!

Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Copenhagen in the future?

Go to all the bakeries and try their cinnamon swirls - they are the best! Also go to Distortion festival in July - its incredible!

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