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Experience in Cadiz, Spain by Angélique

Published by flag- Angélique C — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-es Erasmus experiences Cadiz, Cadiz, Spain

What is it like to live in Cadiz? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Living in Cadiz is amazing. It is a very small, peacful city, but that does not mean that it is not dynamic. Of course, it is nothing like a metropol, but if you would like to enjoy the beach and the parties that remind you of Summers, then Cadiz is the place to go to. Culturally speaking, a lot of events are organized by the city council troughout the year, such as the Carnival, the Semana Santa, the Erizada, la Noche de San Juan... So although you get to know everyone in the city very quickly, you will also meet a lot of foreigners that come to visit Cadiz all year long.


What is the student lifestyle like in Cadiz?

The student lifestyle involves a lot of partying :P There are not a lot of place to go out to, but they are quite good, and all the students meet in the same places, so it is nice to be able to see everyone on nights out. Apart from the partying, it is very easy to travel to beautiful cities in the surroundings (Jerez, Sevilla, Granada, Cordoba), or even to go to Morocco for a week-end, so that's what students do :)

How much does it cost to live in Cadiz?

Average rent is 250€/month I would say, although I paid 235 some of my friends paid 300 (landowners always try and make foreigners pay more, average rent for a Spanish student would be 225€). Food is incredibly cheap (you can have a good meal in a tapas bar for 8€, and food in the local market or the supermarkets is very cheap, especially fruits and vegetables, plus the fish! ).

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Cadiz? Is there any advice you can give?

It is quite easy, but you have to know where to look. Erasmusu gives a lot of interesting adverts, and then what you can do once you are there is go to the University: Facultad de Filosofia y Letras for instance, where there are a lot of ads on the walls or where sometimes you will directly meet a landowner, who will then take you for a visit in a flat.


What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Food is amazing. It is mainly tapas, and mainly fish! The fish is always fresh, and always quite good. Basically all the dishes are good, and you need the local special: cazon!; )


What places would you recommend visiting in Cadiz?

You definitely have to visit the Cathedral, and Torre Tavira to get a glimpse of the city, and then all the beaches: Caleta, Santa Maria, Victoria.


Is it good to eat out in Cadiz? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

Best spot, which is not too pricey if you eat at the bar: Balandro! And then good tapas bar include Cumbres Mayores, el Aljibe, La Gorda te da de comer.

Is the nightlife good in Cadiz? Where is good to go?

Good nightlife, not a lot of spots though. In the old town Erasmus places are Nahu, M2, el Jopo, el Hoyo, and then la Punta (where all the clubs are: Imagina, Aki Te Kiero... ). In the new part, Babylonia is said to be a good club, I never got the chance to go there though, and apparently there are a lot of good bars and clubs along the beach.


What advice would you give future students heading to Cadiz?

Go surfing, the good surf season in Cadiz is only from October till the end of February. And then go visit Morocco through Tarifa (Tarifa-Tanger: only 30 mins boat ride! ), and all the beautiful Andalucian cities nearby: Sevilla, Granada, Gibraltar (to see the monkeys! ), Cordoba...

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