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Erasmus Experience in Cadiz, Spain by Victoire

Why did you choose to go to Cadiz, Spain?

Because Andalusia is a region I have always wanted to visit first, also because of its nice climate.

How long are you staying for? How much will you receive in grants?

I will be there for 9 months exactly, I only receive the Erasmus grant because I do not receive any other bursary and I don't receive any help in my region. The amount is not a lot, not even 1000 euros for the year.


What is the student life like in Cadiz?

It is quite nice, but it's more a family city that party city.

However, there are some good Erasmus bars!

Would you recommend the city and the university of Cadiz to other students?

Yes, totally, the city is very easy, you can do everything on foot, everything is close by, shops, bars, the beach...

What I really like about being there is that you feel relaxed, the people are not at all stressed.

What is the food like in this country?

There are many nice seafood restaurant, I would also recommend the tapas bars. However, unfortunately the fact that all the food is fried isn't ideal for losing weight!


Did you have any difficulties finding accommodation in Cadiz?

Not at all, I went on the website http://wwww.easypiso.com and straight away I found my apartment! However, I recommend going to visit the apartment before arriving in Spain (if possible). Or otherwise, sleep for the first few nights in a youth hostel and look for a flat when you are there.

What is the cost of living like in Cadiz?

Not very expensive compared to France! You can find nice flats for 250-300 euros!

What was it like learning the language? Did you go language courses organised by the university?

No, I don't go to any classes, but I practice Spanish mostly with my flatmates and in class.

What is the cheapest way to get to Cadiz from your city?

It all depends on where you are coming from! Coming from Lille, I go from the airport of Charleroi, to Seville and from Seville I take the train to Cadiz.

What places would you recommend for going out in Cadiz?

The M2, La Chupiteria, the Woodstock and of course La Punta (the nightclubs are all grouped together).

And what about for eating in Cadiz? What are your favourite places?

At the square at the cathedral there is a montaditos bar (small sandwich at 1 euro). Then, I recommend the tapas bars at Mentidero square, or also the bar/restaurant opposite La Caleta.


And what cultural visits would you recommend?


In Cadiz, there is the Torre Tavira, the cathedral, Victoria beach, the promenade, all the old town actually!

And out with the city, there is Seville, Granada, Cordoba, Ronda...

And if possible, Lisbon and Gibraltar.

Any advice to give to future student who are coming to Cadiz?

Be organised (look for a flat, have a look at subjects at the university before arriving, telephone contracts (I took the Lebara contract) and everything will be great!

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