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How Coronavirus changed my daily routine

Published by flag-gb Farah Belyazid — 4 years ago

0 Tags: flag-gb Erasmus experiences Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom

The new Coronavirus, called Covid-19 has dominated our lifes, the government is trying to contain the pandemic and for this reason all the country is lockdown. During this quarantine we need to change and adapt our way of life, working and studying only online. Our relationships are changing, we are changing and life is becoming even more precious.

This historic event taught me to be more grateful, to see how useful internet and other technologies are today. Our daily lives are changed. When I go out, I protect myself with golves and masks and when I come back I organize my time to be more productive and proactive.

Here is my schedule of my typical daily routine.

8:30 – I usually wake up at 8am, starting my day with a breakfast, wich is different for me because before this quarantine I never had breakfast. Then I start my to do list.

12:30 – My lunchbreak is the essential meal of the day that keep me fit.

14:00 – At 2pm I get back with what I had to do, work or study it’s depend of the day, but I never stay without doing anything.

18:00 – The start of my rest, I close my books and computer, turn on the TV to watch a movie that will increase my culture.

20:00 – When the night comes I disconnect myself from all IT devices, grab a book and sleep, because at the end of the day restful sleep is essential.

But, everyday is different, wich is pretty great because even if I am at home, I know that tomorrow will be a new day. The days may look similar but tey’re not, I am not gonna do what I did yesterday and not gonna see what I will watch tomorrow. I am trying to make every day special and unique because everyday is a new day.

Anyway, at the end and with the recent news, the only advice that we can give is stay home because it could save lives.

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