Translation blog by Isobel in English

flag-gb Isobel Robb — 0 people follow the author

This is my translations blog with useful content for Erasmus in English

Blog posts

  • Košice: capital of the East, enclave of France

    25th February 2016 For eastern Slovaks, Košice is the big city (the second largest in the country, even with only 250,000 inhabitants). Young people here love Košice in the same way that the French from little remote villages cast envious eyes on the prefectures of...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Kosice 5 years ago
  • A white Christmas? Not in Murcia!

    It is more than a few days before the small return (the big return won't happen until the end of the year) for the Christmas holidays:a lot of projects in sight of course and also a lot of emotion as I am going to see my family and friends again whom I haven't seen for...

    0 , in General 5 years ago
  • The first day of my incredible trip

    Hello friends! Today I'm going to tell you about the adventure I had during my six-month Erasmus placement that I spent in Barcelona, the most beautiful city and incredible on every level, from the architectural level to the historical or the cultural. It wasn't by...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Barcelona 5 years ago
  • Regions of Istanbul, Turkey

    Istanbul is an enchanting mixture of oriental and western cultures, a modern and dynamic city with a unique identity. Its rich past coexists alongside its youthful exuberance. As though no longer the capital of Turkey, Istanbul remains the cultural and business center...

    0 , in Erasmus recipes 5 years ago

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