
flag-nl Lulu Tan — 1 people follow the author

This is the story of a Dutch girl emigrating to Canada to live with her Persian prince. Discovering the Persian community in magical Vancouver!

Blog posts

  • Biking is hot

    Just imagine doing everything on your bike, from pre-drinking to kissing, and that all without that charming bucket on your head. No big sponge between your legs, wearing just a little skirt that flutters in the wind. Doesn’t that sound attractive? Dutch people do...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Vancouver 8 years ago
  • Direct Dutchies and Tarofing Persians

    Have you ever been away from family and friends for a longer time? Then you probably can imagine how it feels to be a little homesick. It’s like a sharp, burning feeling inside that sticks to you, even though you’re perfectly happy in the place you are. Somehow it...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Vancouver 8 years ago
  • Unraveling the myth of Persians and BMWs

    You might have spotted them. Dark eyed, with Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses, the hair overdosed with gel, one arm holding the wheel and the other leaning on the open window of their BMW. No, it’s not homeland security or a drugdealer, it’s a Persian! Source Not every...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Vancouver 8 years ago
  • Farsi Class

    Farsi, originating from the old empires of the Middle East, is the language of poets and dreamers. It is the main language of Iran, Tajikistan and Afghanistan (where it has a different name: Dari), and its roots lay in Old Persian, a language that was spoken in the...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Vancouver 8 years ago
  • City life: a casual unity of strangers

    Its getting colder and the mountains are full with snow now. From my apartment I can see them in the distance, surrounding the city like enormous giants. It must be beautiful up there. Time to explore them, grab my snowboard out of the storage room and slide off the...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Vancouver 8 years ago
  • Challenges of an intercultural relationship

    As you already know, my boyfriend has an Iranian background. On a sunny day I was wearing a new T-shirt and asked him what he thought of it (and i learned to do that never again). After a silence he said: 'yeah its kinda comfy and conservative'. This brought us to our...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Vancouver 8 years ago
  • Persian Dancing around the Christmas Tree

    The first challenge I encountered when I moved to Vancouver was the Persian dance. Wherever I was on a party, Persians would ask me to dance. But how could I, as a Dutch girl, ever make such elegant moves as they do? I come from the Netherlands, the country of...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Vancouver 8 years ago
  • HO HO HOLY Christmas

    Its the most wonderful time to be jolly, thankful, happy and fat;D It is Christmas time! Source Merry Christmas everyone! You probably just finished your third Christmas dinner and while trying to digest grandma's christmas pudding, you think of how happy you are that...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Vancouver 8 years ago
  • Begging for a Loonie

    A guy walks past me. Suddenly he turns around and whispers in my ear: 'I have a green garden at home, you wanna buy some? ' No thank you. I know where to get my own 'garden' stuff. Something strange is happening to the population of Vancouver. I see more and more...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Vancouver 8 years ago
  • Walking through Vancouver

    Getting to know a city is like getting to know a new lover. First everything is amazing, then you discover some flaws and annoyances, and you start fighting them. Vancouver has the same effect on me. First I enjoyed all the beauty of it, the sea, the mountain views,...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Vancouver 8 years ago
  • Persian dinner parties in Vancouver

    Did you ever eat so much you couldn't walk anymore? Did you ever eat like that and then ate some more? This happens all the time to me when I have a Persian dinner. I arrived in Vancouver with a slim figure from all the biking in Holland, but when I started enjoying the...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Vancouver 8 years ago
  • Vancouver aka Raincouver

    Hey peeps, Are you also missing the summer? As you know I am living in Vancouver, which is amazing in summer, but a little less sparkling in winter. It is already raining for two full months now. This is the reason that the city got the name 'Raincouver', it can rain...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Vancouver 8 years ago
  • My emigration to Canada

    Hey everyone! This is my first blog.. Keep on reading! I discovered that emigration is like climbing a hill. A couple of steps forward, one step back because of steepness, and forward again. Sometimes you fall a little bit back, sometimes everything is on the right...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 8 years ago

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