My amazing Erasmus experience

flag- Barbarka Houfková — 1 people follow the author

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Blog posts

  • Back to normal life

    I am already on my way home so I am going to write about my feelings. In May I did not really know the exact day of my return. If I chose only intensive classes I could even be in the Czech Republic on May 1st. In fact, I chose four extensive classes so my exam period...

    0 , in General 8 years ago
  • My last day in Lille

    When I was moving to France, five months of exchange seemed to me incredibly long. How can I survive almost half of the year in a really small city with raining every day without my family and closest friends? After, everything happened so fast like if it was just one...

    1 , in Erasmus blog Lille 8 years ago
  • Why France? Why Lille?

    As you already noticed, at the moment I am on my Erasmus exchange program in Lille in France. Before I start describing all places I have visited during this semester and all experiences I went though I should also share the beginning of my story. It all began at my...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Lille 8 years ago
  • Empanadas dinner

    Empanadas Dinner There is no doubt that Erasmus live is amazing. Nobody cares about any problems and we just have one common objective – enjoy our semester as much as we can, meet people from all over the world and have fun! That’s why everybody feels so happy....

    0 , in Erasmus recipes 8 years ago

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