Keeping the fridge full

Keeping the fridge full


Doing the shopping to keep the fridge full or, at least, so that it is not empty is a very simple task and something that every knows and can do. But one must always watch themselves and even more so if you are an Erasmus student, with the right amount to spend a month and cover impulse buys, going out partying and trips in the majority of cases. There is always a lot of variety in our destinations since the cities with welcoming universities are usually dynamic cities and with lots of demand. And to enjoy oneself in that variety is a point in our favour for not paying more than an extra euro and squeezing the maximum out of our usually small budget. Each person has to know what they consume, what they are going to eat and what they are not and one must never buy for the sake of buying (abstain from impulse buys). I personally do weekly shops and try to buy a little bit of everything so I don't need to go to the supermarket until the following week. Basically, I nearly always buy the same things, knowing that at the end of the day I am going to have to prepare breakfast, an afternoon snack and dinner, and not the midday meal everyday, since on some days and whenever my schedule is very tight, I go to eat at the IUT Saint Nazaire dining room, where the prices are very affordable and it usually has a good variety. I don't kill myself worrying about it, since when it comes to cooking I cook very little or nothing at all (nothing apart from fried eggs, Spanish tortilla or my special loves).

However, there are certain things that my fridge never lacks and I take a lot of care making sure they are there. I am referring to various things that you can cover an easy dinner or a mid-afternoon snack, such as:

  • Cold meats. This includes every type of product like sausage, beef, chorizo, ham... and I am not going to add Serrano ham because here they call any ham Serrano ham and the prices are prohibitively expensive if you want to buy some better quality ham slices. You can use up cold meats for food, lunch and dinner. Also, the prices in big supermarket chains are not ridiculous. Also, is it a product that lasts quite well if you keep it covered in the fridge and when it comes to opening it, you can ration it in a sensible way.
  • Fruit. Some fruit is indispensable and I am not saying I am a nutritional guru but if our mothers mothers have warned us about anything it is that we have to eat fruit and vegetables. You have to cook vegetables so the most sensible way to take these pieces of advice that you mother gave you on board is to eat fruit every day. My favourites in France are oranges, apples, bananas, since all of them are also really good, they are easy to peel.
  • Milk. This is something that just like cold meats goes well with all meals of the day. Essential for breakfast. For food, well, a coffee is never bad. For an afternoon snack, we go back to the theory that coffee is not bad. And for dinner, you can also have a coffee accompanied by cereal or something like that. But, that being said, the milk in question should never be semi or skimmed, that is know as powder water.
  • Coffee. As I already mentioned the milk, this can not be missing coffee as a good complement, very useful to start the day with enthusiasm and get on top in a moment.
  • Sliced ​​bread. I personally did not bother going to buy bread every day, here in France and during my years in Valladolid. I always have my bag of bread ready, which although it is not the same, it is quite similar and even more so if you toast it before eating it. Also, other types of this go well well, toast, hard crust bread, piccolo, garlic rolls... Each one that suits you.
  • Chips. Before the pain of having to put the fryer on, (which I do not have), or in this case the pan with oil, which you then have to recycle, take a place in the common kitchen, peel the potatoes, etc, I always have a couple of bags of chips in my food cupboard to accompany some dinners and meals. The chips take you out of a hurry quickly and although it is true that they are quite fatty, I personally do not give a damn. And as our Mr. President of the wine would say, "the chips live on". But of course, if there are chips, (see also Doritos, nachos, and derivatives), there has to be something to spread. I personally like mayonnaise, over tomato, ketchup, mustard and other unusual sauces like that and in my fridge there is always an open can of mayonnaise.
  • Little cheeses. And yes, I do not say cheese, I say little cheeses. Why? Well, very simple. The cheese is rather expensive and I personally like to combine it with other seasoning's, so looking for a good substitute I chose the option of the little cheeses. They are cheaper and spread on bread and go well with all kinds of cold cuts.
  • Beer. It's not that I drink it often but you never know when you're going to need some beers to go to some friends' house to have a game of cards or to spend the afternoon. The good thing about beer is that it is a very varied product. The one I usually buy here in Saint Nazaire is one called königsbacher, which besides being quite good, is not very expensive. You can always buy the cheap ones but in this case you have to look for a good average quality-price.
  • Cookies, cereals, etc. For breakfast, as I said, I like to have a coffee in the morning, usually accompanied by a chocolate muffin or some cookies. I usually like cereal in the afternoon for a snack or at night for dinner. Also, if you are hungry and you want to snack on something between meals, a muffin or a pastry can quickly get you out of trouble.
  • Pre-cooking. This is a totally different world. The normal thing to do during the week is to have a few days where I eat prepared dishes that you simply have to warm up in the microwave and it is ready. There is so much variety, meat dishes, fish, pasta, rices with various garnishes... After trying the large majority of those that are in three different supermarkets, I have to say that you can find everything. From dishes that are very good and those they you can happily eat, to others that when you eat the first bite, you get rid of hunger at once. Those that have meat are usually not very good and yet the fish ones are much better. I personally like one that comes with mashed potatoes and a couple of sausages. Or another that is something like whiting with a very good sauce and rice. It is clear that they do not equal the stews from your mother or grandmother but that is not even the best cook in the world.
  • Tomatoes. I'm in love with tomatoes and it's that you do not have to peel them or have to dress them up, simply splitting them is enough and happens as with cheese, sticks with everything, (or almost everything), and for not making a very elaborate salad...
  • Pizza. Pizza is the perfect dinner, (at least for students, since someone on a diet would not say the same thing). The variety is also a plus point in this product and the prices are the most varied. You can find pizzas for less than a euro and a half or you can find them for a good five euros. With this pizza I am very traditional and I refuse pizza - kebab, burrito, and rare flavours. Where is a good ham and cheese, tuna, romano or four seasons that will remove everything else. Another option is to buy the dough and the condiments separately, but for this you have to have a clear oven.

For about twenty or twenty-five euros and always having to eat a few meals at the university restaurant, you can go pulling for a week. Looking at prices and comparing them is the best option to not overspend, also looking for cheap brands is a good way to make good of this.

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