ERASMUS Experience

Published by flag- Faheem Akhtar — 6 years ago

Tags: Erasmus scholarships

Dear Readers ,

As we all  know that 'Eu belive that there is no short way to gain sustainble development ,for  getting long term propsperity, we all must go through with one process that is self development ,integration with others ,experinces ,multadiemntional ,cross cultural .

we must be proud that we are part  of this platform which is responibile for longterm posperity and creation of  many opportunities for us .

so let me begin with 

under EU ERASMUS PROGRAME our experince also be vaulable and fruitfull when we use it and have to share it for knowladge and personal develompent of other people .

I would like to share my own surveillance for this platform ,according to my own prospactive this programe base on "Cross Multadimentional dimentionl Agenda" "obsession and convergence with rampant subsideries insitutions  like pubalic insitution  ,cooperate companies,universities ,enterprenuirship activities ,Security and welfare organizations in one umberalla its really divergence.

In short words this programe base on same essence and idea where EU itself has been standing promote of econmic activities ,social,political harmoney among the people .

I have to be  sad that i may not able to describe this platform benifits and outcome in detaile but I will strive to give basic idea ,information and  outcome which this single platform generate in EU -zone. For international community who want to be get involved with its dimentional  glimpses ,they might be synergies with this wonder that 'how this platform actully sereve other .

This unique platform servce enormous categories but i would  like to mention here few however we got some idea  like ' econmic activities , Social Networking activities , Learning activities , participating and be part in future single digiatl marketing .

outcome wealth creation ,capital movement ,innovation and integration ,eliminate langouge barrieries ,social harmoneydevelompent among countries policies ,laws ,regluation and its citizens ,one unity culture emergence in socitey ,

Most important as student for other students , last not least  deliberately becouase of limited budget ,austerities ,resources ,we may not able to enjoy during our study time idea not could be prolong valid ,or even it fall in invitable category beacouse EU erasmus provide you everything which might be your childhood  dream .

Let just think about to visit your favourit destination Rome ,Paris ,berline ,venice , thinking and woes emerge about budget constrain , 

want to learn other countries langouge but do not possess enough finance to accomodate to your self 

Want to know that where you are studing right now is good university ,have wonderful future ahead,your university has same methode and system ,what other EU universities 

or you may tried to study at same university for longer period of time , or may be you realise that you did mistake , if you will study in france rather than any home university , would be better and good for your future , dont be fuss ,you have still chance 

all of student woes and fuss not longer be valid in eu zone , all of your responsibality took by Eu Erasmus programe ,EU Erasmsus program will provide you everything wether it belonged to social ,cultural ,econmical ,now you can do participate ,fun ,learn ,visit without paying anything and ake your self more worth and more trusty .



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