Experience in Aveiro, Portugal by Álvaro
What is it like to live in Aveiro? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?
Living in Aveiro is a very pleasant experience. A very calm city, without the rush of big cities like Lisbon and Porto, you don't waist hours in traffic and you can go anywere in 15 minutes. The city is very good to ride a bike or even to walk. The city center is a place where you can walk and enjoy.
What is the student lifestyle like in Aveiro?
It's very nice. The campus of the University is all togheter in one place wich is a big advantage in comparison to other cities. You can have good facilities to study, to learn and also to relax.
How much does it cost to live in Aveiro?
Doesn't cost that much. You can easily rent a room for 150€/month or an apartment for 350€. Then the rest depends on you, since the prices follow the countries average.
Is it difficult to find accommodation in Aveiro? Is there any advice you can give?
It is very easy! In fact the number of rooms/appartments in Aveiro is much bigger than the number of people looking for them. Therefore, you can easily find one. There are many websites, like this http://www.bquarto.pt/aveiro/tenho-quartos-para-alugar-aveiro or this https://www.imovirtual.com/arrendar/apartamento/aveiro/. Also there are many printed advertisements in coffee shops and other places all over the city.
What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?
The food is very good and you can taste many and different flavours. You can eat codfish and many other types of fish, but also veal or cow and many other special and local dishes.
What places would you recommend visiting in Aveiro?
Since Aveiro is not a big city, there's not that much you can see or visit. Definitely you need to do te boat trip, to visit the "salinas", the Vista Alegre Museum and factory and the beautiful beaches 7 kilometers away, in Barra and Costa Nova.
Is it good to eat out in Aveiro? Can you tell us your favourite spots?
Yes it is. Personally, I prefer places like "O Telheiro", "O Adriano", "O Cais Madeirense", "Adega do Evaristo" or "Batista", for codfish lovers. Just look here: http://www.aveiro.co.pt/categoria.aspx?categoria=restaurantes.
Is the nightlife good in Aveiro? Where is good to go?
The nightlife is not a must, but it is okay. You can go to Praça do Peixe, the place where all the night bars are and, specially on Thursdays or Saturday, find a lot of people.
What advice would you give future students heading to Aveiro?
Aveiro is a very good place for students and where you can spend easily and pleasently 5 years. (I spend 15!) If you move there I'm sure you'll enjoy the city, the people and the university, which campus is very nice and the university itself is among the best in Portugal.
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