Erasmus Experience in Aveiro, Portugal by Léa
What's student life like in Aveiro?
Student life in Aveiro is very good. The people are lovely and Aveiro's ESN is very present, they organise weekly events, such as trips or theme nights.
Would you recommend the city and the University of Aveiro to other students?
Without a doubt. However, one mustn't forget that Aveiro is a small town and that apart from Praca, there isn't much of a nightlife, with the exception of the ESN events. There isn't a wide variety of activities.
Did you have any issues finding accommodation in Aveiro?<h2>
No, I published a message on the Aveiro Erasmus group and some students already there contacted me.
What is the cost of living in Aveiro?
Life in Aveiro isn't very costly, as it is a small town, the rent is quite affordable.
What's the cheapest way to get to Aveiro from your town?
What places would you recommend to party in Aveiro?
Praca, the town square where all the bars are. You can always find Erasmus students there, especially on a Thursday night.
And to eat in Aveiro? What are your favourite places?
The Portuguese restaurants are very nice.
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