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Erasmus Experience in Athens, Greece by Alper

Published by flag- Alper Tokat — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-gr Erasmus experiences Athens, Athens, Greece


Why did you choose to go to Athens, Greece?

Because of the sunny weather, kind people, the incredible historical atmosphere. Greece is a heaven.

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

My scholarship was 407 € monthly.

What is the student lifestyle like in Athens?

You always get free food at the school and sometimes free beer at Exarchia square. The lecturers are very kind to students, and very understanding. The street food is great and the rush in Athens is not so high. So the students will always have chance to travel around the city and other countries nearby, have fun and party, and study for sure.



Would you recommend the city and the University of Athens to other students?

I recommend the city, and the National Technical University of Athens the everyone (NTUA). It was a great experience from A to Z. I miss it all the time.


What is the food like?

Food in Athens is very healthy. You'll have several choices like you do in any European city. My food of choice is chicken sticks with many Greek sauces, called 'pita kalamaki kotopulo'.

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