Ahmed activity
Experience in Sanaa, Yemen by Ahmed
What is it like to live in Sanaa? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? As a Yemeni, I liked living there, it's cheap and pretty nice for Yemenis. I don't recommend living there at least for the time being because of the political instability in the region.What...
Erasmus Experience in Baku, Azerbaijan by Ahmed
Why did you choose to go to Baku, Azerbaijan? Because its a cheap and a secular state.How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? I don't have a scholarship, living here is relatively cheap, aside from accommodation I spend...
23 YO male looking for a single room near the center of Baku
Hi, I'm looking for a single room, it doesn't matter whether its in a in an apartment or Dorm. I am a quiet person, stay mostly indoor, not very active socially and handsome as you can see, JK. If I'm sharing an apartment I would like my roommates to be quiet clean and...
in Roommates Baku, 6 years ago