flag-ba Maja Kalinic

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Aktywność Maja

  • Blog

    My Carto family

    Hi from Munich, Hi from TUM, Hi from the super cool international group of the 2015/2017 intake. Many hi's over there but surely very warm and welcome. Last time I talked about Christmas, about the fact of how nice is to be in Germany during this time, especially...

    0 por Maja en Ogólnie
  • Blog

    Weihnachten in Deutschland

    It is Christmas time.... December is pretty cool month to be in Germany. It is not that cold, of course depending on which city you are, but I happened to live in Munich and Dresden and the temperature variations were not that big considering one is on south and the...

  • Blog

    5 minutes' hints while in Munich

    Hi there, Since this is one of the last posts about what or how to do in Munich, I decided to borrow the idea of the famous “5 minutes’ crafts” guys who are managing this online account at different social networks. I believe you all have seen at least one of the...

    0 por Maja en Erasmusowe porady
  • Blog

    F&B explorer

    Hey, hi,  I have to admit, I was not going out that much in Munich. My classmates can witness that and actually, we got to meet truly in our second semester, but that happened more or less with everybody, people need time to connect with other people. Semester in...

    0 por Maja en Erasmusowe porady
  • Blog

    Getting lost #1

    Hi there, I hope you all future Erasmus students are doing fine at the time you get to read this. I was wandering what would be interesting to share with you considering that so far I have been giving “advices” mostly; how to, or where to, or when to and blah blah....

  • Blog


    Even though I wanted to continue my previous post by writing all this "useful" stuff you might need upon your arrival in a new city, I realised that I would just sound like an old grandma giving lectures about life and how this way is the best since I tried it. I am...

  • Blog

    First impressions

    Hey hi, hmm, I called this post first impressions even though I completely had something else in mind. Nevertheless, let us leave it as it is and see what my thoughts would be eventually. So, at this moment, I believe all of you who arrived to your destination city are...

  • Blog

    Welcome to the city of Munich

    Hallo there, It's been a while since my last post, and a lot had happened in between which I am about to write about in some of the future post, but now, let us concentrate on the time when you first step up in a new city, which is btw going to be your home for next...

  • Blog

    An email that changed my life

    An email that changed my life Hi guys! It’s been a while indeed that I haven’t posted anything, but as you may assume this is not live (even though I would like it to be and kind of heading towards it to become). I had my exams time here so that’s why I didn’t...

    0 por Maja en Erasmusowe porady
  • Blog

    I know what I want, but what now...

    Hi again, I hope you guys had good and quality time exploring your possible destinations and desired masters. And I hope you did find what you want since this story is devoted to what comes after you decide to go. I promise this is the second and last post that deals...

    0 por Maja en Erasmusowe porady
  • Blog

    It's time to step forward!

    How to start? I would like to keep this blog as a personal diary, make it more emotional, more acceptable to everyone interested in my Erasmus story. However, some additional information, advices and hints would be included for those who step forward and join me and our...

  • Doświadczenie

    Experience in Munich, Germany by Maja

    What is it like to live in Munich? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Munich is one of the nicest cities in Germany, even though every city or town in Germany looks more or less the same. Regarding Munich, it's big enough, has everything you need and I would...

  • Współlokator

    26 year old master student looking for an accomodation in Vienna

    Hi, my name is Maja and I'm a master student at TU Munich. I study Cartography and GIS and next semester I'm supposed to spend in Vienna as an Erasmus student.Therefore,I'm trying to find decent place to live, with the maximum rent of about 350e. I'm very friendly and...

    w Współlokatorzy Wiedeń, 9 lat temu

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