Kate Norman

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flag-es Spagna

Università che segue

Luoghi di Kate

  • Leuven, Louvain, Lovaina

    Leuven (the Flemish and English name) is a small city belonging to the Flemish region of Belgium (it is Louvain in French and Lovaina in Spanish), some 20-25 kilometres towards the west of Brussels. It is easily accessible by train from the stations "Gare du Midi",...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • La Merced

    Source One of the campuses of the University of Murcia is located right in the middle of the capital of the Region of Murcia. It is known as "La Merced" campus, and it can be found a few metres away from the historic town centre of the region. Its location allows the...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • Balneário Camboriú

    Discovering Santa Catalina I Balneário Camboriú Inside the state of Santa Catarina there are other cities on the fringes of the island that make it very attractive for visitors, and whose main activity is tourism. Due to this, on one weekend we decided between us to...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • Cinquantenaire Park and Palace

    Introduction Following the route through Brussels, I am going to finish with one of the most beautiful and classic areas of the city, the Cinquantenaire Palace and its respective park, which is where it is located. The Cinquantenaire Palace is one of the architectual...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • The Santa Inquisición Museum

    Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about the history of the museum known as the "Santa Inquisición Museum" - the Holy Inquisition Museum. During the Colonial Era, my city was a very religious place where non-Catholic believers paid for their ideology with...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • Walls of Ávila

    Today we are changing location and directing ourselves towards the small town of Ávila. Ávila is a small province capital with 50, 000 inhabitants who are all lucky enough to live in a place with such rich historical heritage. Ávila was a stop on my very first trip...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • The tour de Pisco Sour in the centre of Lima

    Hello everyone! Today I want to recommend to you a tourist route in the centre of Lima - this itinerary is known as the Tour del Pisco Sour. Pisco is the Peruvian drink known for its excellence, and Pisco Sour is a cocktail that will make you fall in love with its rich...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • Gandía Beach

    Let's continue with Gandía... On this occasion, I am going to talk about Gandía Beach. Of course, this is not going to be an objective opinion seeing as I am from here but, despite this, it is a fact that if anywhere in city of Gandía doubles (or triples) in...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • The Centre of Guzmán City

    source The cradle of great artists The city of Guzmán is a "City-Town" located in the south of the state of Jalisco in Mexico, belonging to the municipality of Zapotlán el Grande. I can only assume that "grande" (great) is due to it being also called "the cradle of...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • The San Marcos Mansion Museum

    Hello everyone! I hope that you are well, today I would like to talk to you about a museum that can be found in the centre of Lima who's name comes from my University (San Marcos). This place is the Culture Centre of the National University of San Marcos, better known...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • San Cristobal Hill

    Hello everyone! I hope that you are all well. Today I would like to tell you about an iconic location in my city: the San Cristobal Hill. You can see this hill even from the centre of the town of Lima, as well as from the Plaza de Armas in the city or looking from the...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • The Castle of Guimarães

    Let's continue talking about new places in the north of Portugal. This time, we are going towards the small city of Guimarães known mostly for having a small, but well-conserved historical centre, as well as two important monuments: The Duke of Bragança's Palace and...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • Ixelles

    Ixelles is the municipality of Brussels where I made my new home when I landed in Brussels. The main reason was its proximity to my university, just like its vibe, youth and the university itself that I thought would make it easier for me to meet new people of my age,...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • Hell's Canyon and the Old Railway of Alcoy

    Today I am going to talk about one of the most popular hiking trails, the old railway line that passes through Villalonga and Lorcha. It is a 12km walking or cycling route and can be prolonged by the addition of 30km if you choose to arrive in Muro in Alcoy. How to...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • The Sacré-Cœur

    The Sacré-Cœur is located at the highest point in Paris, Monmartre, a Bohemian district known as "The Painter's Neighbourhood". Looking at it from the bottom of the hill it is beautiful and impressive. Its large steps, perfectly maintained gardens, and the small...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • Tierra Santa

    In Barranquilla, there is a clothing store chain that is really popular among the inhabitants of the city, but which is practically unknown to outsiders. It was recommended to me by several of the people I met in Barranquilla, and I must say... I was amazed! There are...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • Fountain in the Plaza de Armas

    Hello everyone! I hope that each and every one of you is very, very well. To speak of a historical center is also to realise that many wonderful monuments exist there: their beauty makes up many of the points of interest today, and one of them is, without a doubt, an...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • Rosa Náutica Restuarant

    Hello everyone! I hope that you are all well! Today I want to tell you a little about my experience in a restaurant that has one of the best locations in the whole of Miraflores, a district in Lima, Peru. The restaurant is called "Rosa Náutica", which means "Nautical...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • The Peruvian House of Literature

    Hello everyone! I hope that you are all very well. Today I want to talk to you a bit about a place that is very popular with tourists in my city, even though it is directly in the centre and normally they only take photos of the outside, without ever entering in - even...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • The "paseo de agua" in Rimac

    Hello everyone! I hope that each one of you is well. There are places that keep stories of love within them; a particular kind of beauty. Very few people have crossed the Trujillo bridge during their trips to the centre of Lima: not many have been able to get to know...

    0 , 5 anni fa
  • Basillica del Sacré-Cœur

    Image source The Basillica del Sacré-Cœur is a Roman-Catholic Parisian Church and a tourist hub that is located on the crown of the Montmartre Hill, the highest point in Paris. Image source The 19th century church was designed by the architect Paul Abadie (who died...

    0 , 5 anni fa

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