Luoghi di Dănilă
Museum of Contemporary Arts
Last week I had an interesting trip at the National Museum of Contemporary Arts from Warsaw, but I didn’t have the time, until now, to write about it. First of all, I think it is important to space position the museum, for those of you who are in Poland and who have...
1 0 , 12 anni fa -
Every trip has to have something memorable, or else it is not a journey worth remembering. A truly interesting one, I had while being in Holland, more specifically in the city named Maastricht. Where is it and what is different about it? Well, if you will have the time...
3 0 , 12 anni fa -
The third city, the last, but for sure not least, that I saw in Belgium was Brugge. Also named “The Venice of North-West”, Brugge is the capital of West Flanders Province and it is without a shadow of doubt the most beautiful place from the entire country. The...
2 0 , 12 anni fa -
The second city that I saw in Belgium is Brussels, home of the European Union and of many of its institutions, land that hosts the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (OTAN) and place that is considered the capital of the country. So the expectations were high, having...
5 0 , 12 anni fa -
One of the first cities I saw in Belgium was Liège. Located in the province of Liège, it is known as the economical capital of Wallonia (Belgium being divided into three districts: Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels Capital Region) and as the French speaking region. It...
2 0 , 12 anni fa -
So last week I went with my friend, Giorgiana to visit another good friend, Laura, in Belgium. Laura is studying there for half a year, just like us in Poland, so we thought that this would be a good opportunity to see another country and, of course, our lovely friend...
2 0 , 12 anni fa -
Museum Narodowe w Warszawie
For all the art lovers out there in Poland, a trip to The National Museum Of Warsaw is in order. Called in polish “Museum Narodowe w Warszawie”, the building that hosts both national paintings /painters and also works from all over the world is situated in the...
3 0 , 12 anni fa -
The Auschwitz Concentration Camps
In philosophy they say that the world can’t exist without Evil, because Good is platonic, in the sense that it does not create. A world full of good is one that doesn't want to make any changes, a land where peace and everlasting happiness reign, where there is no...
3 0 , 12 anni fa -
The Main Library from the "Warszawa Uniwersytet"
Where is the best place to meet people? Of course, at the pub, one would think fist, because here people come with a certain goal, to have fun. But as they say, “the unexpected hits you in the face in the most unexpected places”. One of the places that I met Erasmus...
2 0 , 12 anni fa -
Schindler's Factory
Being ahead of time. What does this phrase actually mean? In school, we often hear that many writers, politicians, doctors, etc. have been ahead of their time. That they reached a certain point of knowledge that made them superior to the other learned men of their eras....
2 0 , 12 anni fa -
His jaws were enormous, his red eyes pierced the air with the sense of absolute power, his gigantic figure and impressive claws scared even the most courageous men. As he walked he spread fear and everyone had to bow in front of his power. The small village was...
2 0 , 12 anni fa -
What to say about Wroclaw? Let's go back in time, pretend we have a special device that can take us there. So, close your eyes and breathe deeply… The street is dark, although the moon is shining. The tall and old trees are blocking its light. In the near distance...
2 0 , 12 anni fa -
Old Town Hostel
If you decide to go to Gdansk for the weekend then you will need a place to spend the night /s. I warmly recommend this small, but really nice hostel called “Old Town Hostel”. It is not so close to the city center, but the services are truly good. When me and my...
3 0 , 12 anni fa -
One of the most dramatic events from human history is undoubtly The Second World War (1939-1945). One would think that after the First World War (1914-1918), people would have learned that fighting brings only misery and distruction, but it seems we only acknowledge...
4 0 , 12 anni fa -
Why should some one go and visit Gdansk and what is there to see? First, the architectural style of the buildings will fascinate you Then after you walk further in the city you will see lots of statues and churches, each of them wearing the mark of traditional polish...
4 0 , 12 anni fa -
Lazienki Palace
One of the first things I saw in Warsaw was the Lazienki Palace also called the Water Palace. When I went the grass was green, the trees were smiling under the playfull sun, birds were singing on branches, ducks and swans were swiming in the water, squirrels were...
4 0 , 12 anni fa