Zeynep Sila Yurga
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Zeynep Sila activity
21 year old girl looking for a flat and a female roommate who is fun and likes travelling.
Hey there! I am Zeynep, will be staying in Rome to study business administration and economics at the University of Tor Vergata as a full-time student. I am looking for a female roommate who likes partying and studying at the same time ahah! I will be staying in Rome...
in Roommates Rome, 2 years ago -
Erasmus Rome 2022 / 2023 (English)
Hey everyone! i am Zeynep, will be studying at the University of Tor Vergata as a full time student. Looking for a affordable place to live in, is there anyone who has any suggestions? i am also looking for a female roommate☺️
por Zeynep Sila en Erasmus forum Rome