Yosra Hilmi
- Current city:
- Toulouse
- City of birth:
- Toulouse
- Host university:
- NUI Galway
- Home university:
- UT1
Yosra activity
Experience in National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland by Yosra
Generally, what is National University of Ireland, Galway like? It is a beautiful college whether it is in terms of the architecture or in terms of the people and lectures. it is an amazing work environment but it also allows for a great social life. Everything is made...
Experience in University of Social Sciences - Toulouse I, France by Yosra
Generally, what is University of Social Sciences - Toulouse I like? The University of Social Sciences Toulouse I is an amazing work environment for passionate and driven people. Everything is made for you to achieve your ambition and your dreams.What are the facilities...