Yamil Yaryura
- Current city:
- Santo Domingo
- City of birth:
- Santo Domingo
- Host university:
- Home university:
Yamil activity
Erasmus Experience in Como, Italy by Yamil
Why did you choose to go to Como, Italia? Because the courses were taught in english. How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? The scholarship lasts 2 years, I receive 700 euros. What is the student lifestyle like in...
Experience in Santo Domingo Institute of Technology, Dominican Republic by Yamil
Generally, what is Santo Domingo Institute of Technology like? The INTEC is the best university in the Dominican Republic to study Engineering related programs and Medicine. It has also fame in business carreers. Through the year you have to take 4 trimesters. They have...
23 year old guy, pursuing a Master of Science in Como
I'm a quiet guy, emrolling on the second semester in a Laurea Magistrale (Master of Science) in Enviromental and Geomatic Engineering. I have 23 years and i'm from Dominican Republic. I'm neat and organized. I am looking for a nice and quiet accommodation near the...
in Roommates Como, 9 years ago