Sabrina Biselli
- Current city:
- Regensburg
- City of birth:
- Friedrichshafen
- Host university:
- UP
- Home university:
Sabrina activity
Experience in Regensburg, Germany by Sabrina
Source What is it like to live in Regensburg? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Regensburg is a really nice city located directly on the Donau river. The historical city center is really beautiful with lots of shops. Regensburg is famous for its bars. In...
female PhD stufent, looking for accomodation in porto from 12th june to 14th august
Hallo I'm a phd student looking for an Apartment from 12th june to 14th august. I studied chemistry in Regensburg, Germany and I'm invited to do experiments at the university in porto. I don't smoke and I'm a friendly and calm person. I am really excited to go to Porto...
in Roommates Porto, 8 years ago