Raimondi Arianna

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flag-it Raimondi Arianna

Current city:
City of birth:
La Spezia
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Raimondi activity

  • Roommate

    25 years old, I'm looking a room in a flat in Gand

    Hello,  I'm an Italian girl and I'm looking a room in a flat in Gand. I will arivve on July 3rd and I will stay about 6 month. I study Agricultural Biotechnology. I'm a quite, tidy and friendly person. I like meeting new people, I love animals, I like play sports, I...

    in Roommates Ghent, 2 years ago
  • Roommate

    23enne cerco alloggio a Vilnius

    Ciao, sono Arianna, ho 23 anni e studio a Pisa (1 anno di magistrale in biotecnologie alimentari). Cerco alloggio a Vilnius, preferibilmente in centro città, a partire dal mese di febbraio, da condividere con altri studenti Erasmus. Sono una ragazza ordinata e...

    in Roommates Vilnius, 4 years ago

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