Pilar Salcedo Molina
- Current city:
- Madrid
- City of birth:
- Host university:
- Home university:
Pilar activity
Spanish girl looking for room/ rommates to find a place to live second semester
Hello, I am looking for a place to live during the second semester in Boston, near Northeastern University. I am looking for a room or roomates to find a place to share, preferibly Spanish. I don't smoke but I don't care if you smoke, I am not vegetarian, I don't have...
in Roommates Boston, 3 years ago -
Erasmus Boston 2021 / 2022 (Español)
Hola! Me llamo Pilar y voy a estudiar el segundo cuatrimestre del curso 2021-2022 en Northeastern University. Busco un piso donde alquilar una habitación o algún compañero/a de piso para buscar casa Preferiblemente cerca de mi universidad y que sean españoles.
por Pilar en Erasmus forum Boston