Philip Harder
- Current city:
- City of birth:
- Bielefeld
- Host university:
- Home university:
Philip activity
Experience in Bielefeld, Germany by Philip
What is it like to live in Bielefeld? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Very green city for the considerable amount of 333.000 citizens. The history of Bielefeld hold many interesting aspects that are still standing e. g. the castle. Many students live here...
Looking for studio-apartment in Oss (+30km) male, 21y
Hi, my name is Philip and I will attempt my practical semester in the city of Oss from march 2021 to september 2021. I am a student in the field of oncology and biotechnology. For the period of time I am looking for a modest studio-apartment for only one person....
in Roommates Oss, 4 years ago