Milda Drejerytė

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flag-lt Lithuania

Following these universities

flag-lt Milda Drejerytė

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Milda activity

  • Roommate

    I'm lookin for a roommate and a flat to share in Tallinn

    Hello, everybody!! I'm a Lithuanian girl, who's coming to study in Tallinn since the end of August 2018. I'm looking for a roommate, who would like to rent a 2-room flat (apartment) together in Tallinn. If you are interested, please contact me asap.Some info about me:...

    in Roommates Tallinn, 6 years ago
  • Roommate

    Looking for a roommate and a flat to share in Tallinn

    Hello, everybody!! I'm a Lithuanian girl, who's coming to study in Tallinn since the end of August 2018. I'm looking for a roommate, who would like to rent a 2-room flat (apartment) together in Tallinn. If you are interested, please contact me asap.Some info about me:...

    in Roommates Vilnius, 6 years ago

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