Mélissa Zara

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flag-cz Czech Republic
flag-fr France

flag-fr Mélissa Zara

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Mélissa activity

  • Experience

    Experience in Nantes, France by Mélissa

    What is it like to live in Nantes? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Nantes is a pretty nice city to live, it looks like Paris in many aspects but with a more human size, with much lower prices. I liked living here, you can always find new things to do an...

  • Roommate

    French student looking for a flat to share in Praha

    Hi everyone !  I'm a French student from Nantes and I'm going to spend my 3rd BA year studying anglophone and hispanophone civilizations and literatures at Charles University.  I'm looking for a private room in a nice flat in Praha 1, 2 or 3 that I could share with 3...

    in Roommates Prague, 9 years ago

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