Louise activity
Experience in University of Caen-Basse Normandie, France by Louise
Generally, what is University of Caen-Basse Normandie like? It's a big university with 5 campus located in different parts of the city. The main campus is the Campus 1 located in the center of the city where the Law, Economy, History, Languages, Litterature, Biology and...
Erasmus Experience in Padua, Italy by Louise
Why did you choose to go to Padua, Italy? I chose Padova because I heard about its student life and it's very close to Venice. Source How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? I'm staying one year in Padua. I will...
Experience in Caen, France by Louise
What is it like to live in Caen? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? I like living in Caen because it's a small city so you can run into a lot of people you know all the time and it's very nice. It's easy to know every corner after a year of living in it and...
19 girl, looking for a single room in Padua
Hi Everyone ! I'm a 19 yo french girl who stuies History at the University of Caen in the north of France. I will be doing my third year in Padoua so i'm looking for a room, in an appartment or house, with other students, hopefully not french so i can improve my italian...
in Roommates Padua, 7 years ago