Kyle Shackelford

Following these cities

flag-de Germany
flag-us United States

flag-us Kyle Shackelford

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Kyle activity

  • Roommate

    28 year old teacher looking for an apartment/flat

    I'm a 28 year old teacher looking for an apartmen/flat in Munich, Germany.  My plane will arrive in Munich on Thursday, January 30th at 10:00 a.m.  I am looking for simple living arrangements for around one month.  This way I can look for something more permanent...

    in Roommates Munich, 12 years ago
  • Roommate

    Teacher looking for a roommate/flat in Munich, Germany

    28 year old male from America looking for a simple apartment/flat including bedroom, bathroom and kitchen.  Starting February 15th I will be starting a job as a teacher at a nursery in Munich.  Any help/information would be great.   Feel free to contact me.

    in Roommates Munich, 12 years ago

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