Kauê Vinicius Oliveira
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Kauê Vinicius activity
La Seu Vella
In my opinion the most beautiful place in Lleida. It's a really big Cathedral with a lot of history. You can visit and go inside for 6 euros. And it's also possible to go to the top of the tower and see all the city. It's amazing. There is a restaurant where it's...
How to travel by Blablacar
Hi everyone. Without a doubt a really good way of transport in Europa is Blablacar. It's a website where people is travelling to another city, sometimes countries, and offer a place available in the car. The prices are usually cheaper that a tren or bus. All you need to...
25 years old, boy looking for accommodation next to Lleida University
I'm 25 years old and I'm looking for Apartment, University room, flats or studio. I'm a very calm person and I like to know new people. I am organized, I do not smoke, do not have pets. I would like to live with people from around the world to improve my english and...
in Roommates Lleida, 9 years ago