Jessika Keberlein

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Jessika activity

  • Experience

    Experience in Hildesheim, Germany by Jessika

    What is it like to live in Hildesheim? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? I live in Hannover, so I can#t say how it is to live in Hildesheim. Unfortunately there are not railways in Hildesheim, only buses and some trains.What is the student lifestyle like in...

  • Experience

    Experience in Hannover, Germany by Jessika

    Source What is it like to live in Hannover? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Hannover is the capital city of Lower Saxony of Germany. It is a very beautiful city which offers many activities and sights. The Maschsee is one of the famous places visited by...

  • Roommate

    Searching a Flatmate

    Hello!My name is Jessika, I'm 22 years old and I'm from Germany. I will study this winter semester in Zadar and I'm very excited. In my home university I study International Informationan Management. I have a big and modern flat, but no flatemate. There is a full...

    in Roommates Zadar, 6 years ago

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