Jesse Cruz

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flag-de Germany
flag-us United States
Los Angeles

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flag-us Jesse Cruz

Current city:
Los Angeles
City of birth:
Los Angeles
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Jesse activity

  • Forum

    Erasmus Bonn 2011 / 2012 (Español)

    Voy para Bonn en octubre. ¿Alguien tiene alguna recomendación sobre donde vivir? Vengo desde Los Ángeles y esta será la primera vez que voy a vivir solo en un país extranjero.

  • Forum

    I am moving to Bonn in October!

    Hey everyone! I am a recent graduate and I will be moving to Bonn to work for a non-profit established to promote the responsible management of the world’s forests. I am originally from Los Angeles and while I have visited Germany before, this will be the first time...

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