Jake Mace

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flag-it Italy
flag-gb United Kingdom

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UWE Bristol

Jake activity

  • Forum

    Erasmus Milano 2016 / 2017 (English)

    Hello all!  My name's Jake, 20, from the United Kingdom. I'm going to be studying Architecture at Politecnico di Milano (Leonardo campus) for a study year. I'm interested in Football, architecture and exploring different cultures. I'm open minded, friendly, kind and...

  • Roommate

    20 Year old Male looking for room mates & accommodation

    My name's Jake, 20, from the United Kingdom. I'm going to be studying Architecture at Politecnico di Milano (Leonardo campus) for a study year. I'm interested in Football, architecture and exploring different cultures. I'm open minded, friendly, kind and welcome to...

    in Roommates Milan, 8 years ago

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