Hemanadhan Myneni
- Current city:
- Delaware
- City of birth:
- Vijayawada
- Host university:
- Home university:
- UD
Hemanadhan activity
Room @ Ghent from April -01 to April-09 required
Hi Jairo, Thanks for the reply. I mailed your friend but no reply till now. Could you please call him and ask about the possibilty for room. I dont have the facility to call Belgium number. Looking forward for your reply. Thank you once again. Bye, Hemanadhan
por Hemanadhan en Erasmus forum Ghent -
Room @ Ghent from April -01 to April-09 required
Hi! I'm Hemanadhan & I'm going to be at Gent for attending a conference which starts from the 1st of April to April 6th. If someone has any information about any available room please let me know asap. Bye,
por Hemanadhan en Erasmus forum Ghent