expat guy

Following these cities

flag-nl Netherlands

flag- expat guy

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expat activity

  • Forum


    Hi! - I am planning to move there soon as well. Can we please stay in touch? Even if you are able to find something earlier, perhaps you may be able to help me with some tips and learning from your search?Cheers,Ben

  • Forum

    Erasmus Amsterdam 2019 / 2020 (English)

    Hello! I am moving to Amsterdam soon from the US for a job in the city center and am looking for accommodation closer to the city center. Would love to connect with possible room mates who already have a place or would like to live with me. I am hoping to get my own...

  • Roommate

    Room mates

    Hello! I am moving to Amsterdam soon from the US for a job in the city center and am looking for accommodation closer to the city center. Would love to connect with possible room mates who already have a place or would like to live with me. I am hoping to get my own...

    in Roommates Amsterdam, 5 years ago

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