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Erasmus Experience in Zaragoza, Spain

Why did you decide to go to Zaragoza, Spain?

It was the only city that would have allowed me to stay for the whole year.

How long was the scholarship? How much grant money did you receive?

My scholarship lasts 12 months and it provides 230€ a month; each university is organized in a different way.

How was student life in Zaragoza?

Great, everyone was very welcoming.

Would you recomend the city and the University of Zaragoza to other students?

Of course.


How was the food in Spain?

Tapas, wine, beer, sandwiches and all kinds of food.

Was it difficult to find accomadation in Zaragoza?

No, absolutely not.

How much does it cost to live in Zaragoza?

The rent is around 200€ a month all bills included, it always depends on what you want and expect...it's really cheap to live there.

What about the language? Did you attend any language courses at the University?

I speak, write and read in Spanish quite well despite never studying it before Erasmus.

What is the cheapest way to travel to Zaragoza from your city?


Where do you recommend for nightlife in Zaragoza?

Casco, Tubo and the university district.

And eating in Zaragoza? What are your favorite places?

El Tubo.

And what about the cultural places to visit?

Aljaferia, Pilar's square and church, the cathedral of Zaragoza, Magdalena.

Do you have any advice for students going to Zaragoza in the future?



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