Erasmus experience in Wroclaw, Poland, by Rafael
Why did you choose going to Wroclaw, Poland?
A classmate recommended it to me and it's been incredible. I highly recommend it in all the aspects.
How long is the grant? How much money did you receive?
I only received 300 € monthly, during 3 months.
How is the student enviroment in Wroclaw?
Very good! In fact there is a party on May that lasts a week and it's only for undergraduate students. While everybody else is working, ¡students are partying!
Would you recommend the city and the university of Wroclaw to other students?
Of course.
How about the food in the country?
For me it is quite good; I recommend Zurek (sour rye soup). It was the one eaten in the communist period, cheap and it really fills you.
Was it hard for you finding acommodation in Wroclaw?
It depends on what are you looking for. Some people spend 300€ per month and I think it is stupid. Come on! We are students, so we have to save money for travelling, partying and souvenirs!
I was living in a residence for 80 € per month, but of course I was sharing my room, the kitchen and bath with the other students of my floor. It is such a bummer, but well, in that way you meet people.
How is the language? Did you attend any course?
Doing an Erasmus internship the university didn't considered me a student. It was a pity, because on account of this it was difficult for me doing some kind of formalities. However, remind that everything has a solution, if you move!
Which is the cheapest way of arriving your city?
By plane.
What places do you recommend for going out in Wroclaw?
Alibi! Melanz, Mundo, Cherry. Don´t worry, you are going to find them out. All partying zones are very close.
And for eating in Wroclaw? ¿Could you mention your favorite places?
- Kurna chata
- Pierogarnia
- Pizzeria Bravo
- Nynek
- Mexican restaurant
And for a cultural visit?
It's incredible. It is a very cultural city. Literature and theatre are quite promoted. They have too much stuff to tell about their history.
¿Any advise for future students in Wroclaw?
Don´t think in euros. Bundle up a lot. Never run red ligths! (you will get a jaywalking ticket of 200€). Be careful with hooligans; if you could avoid them the better. Have fun every minute because it is an unforgotable and inexplicable experience.
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Comments (3 comments)
hola! estoy haciendo un trabajo sobre Wroclaw y me gustaria poder reguntarte los motivos por los cuales escogiste la ciudad, te fuistes ahi de erasmus.. si me pudieses dar tu correo o algo para poder hacer un costumer journey me harias un favorazo!
hola! estoy haciendo un trabajo sobre Wroclaw y me gustaria poder reguntarte los motivos por los cuales escogiste la ciudad, te fuistes ahi de erasmus.. si me pudieses dar tu correo o algo para poder hacer un costumer journey me harias un favorazo!
Hey how did you find these rooms that are 80€ a month? Im only finding 200-400€ a month for a single room, which is more than my home country!