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Experience in Utrecht, Netherlands by Chiemi

Published by flag- Chiemi Fukumori — 10 years ago

0 Tags: flag-nl Erasmus experiences Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

What is it like to live in Utrecht? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Living in Utrecht is like you are back in 18century.
beautiful and super old city , probably you have ever seen!!
also the size of the city is not big, once you get a bike, you will freely go around the city and enjoy the old DUTCH environment!

What is the student lifestyle like in Utrecht?

well, there are tons of young students...so, i think the city looks quite revitalized and full of
parties and events for youth.

How much does it cost to live in Utrecht?

mmmh i say it is not cheap city to live. In my case, I stayed students house which located the edge of the city, so it was250 euro per months.
but the prize is around 300-1000 euro to rent place.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Utrecht? Is there any advice you can give?

Yes, it is very difficult to find a place. as i mention, it is the student city. That means, around the new semester starts, finding accommodation is extremely hard. I tried to find accomodation there for 2 months, it was impossible around the summer time!!

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

to be honest , there are not much great food arrangement in Holland in General. I am sorry to say. but after i travelled all over the world ,Asia to Oceania , Holland does not surprise me at all.
well, My favourite dishes are ,Friets and coffee!

What places would you recommend visiting in Utrecht?

well, not particularly .please get yourself on the bike and just cycling in the main area.... then you will see what i mean.

Is it good to eat out in Utrecht? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

I dont really puch you to go out and eat in Utrecht, to be honest, quite expensive and not that great ,compare to the price you pay.
go to AH( super market ) and buy some stuff for BBQ and to go park with friends!

Is the nightlife good in Utrecht? Where is good to go?

oh yes!
TIVOLI club is great to be on saturday night!

What advice would you give future students heading to Utrecht?

enjoy the beautiful nature , there are many awesome parks and canals!

study hard and enjoy your holiday there!

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