10 facts about Taiwan

Published by flag-pl Łukasz Kisiala — 6 years ago

Blog: Taiwan experience
Tags: flag-tw Erasmus blog Taiwan, Taiwan, Taiwan

Time passed so fast. I remember doubts and excititation about currrently exchange program. To be honest I didn’t expect such nice atmposhpere here. I spent two weeks in the country with very fast economical growths, open- minded people and huge diversity of cuisnes. Today I would like to share with you about that impressing country. I will write below 10 facts about Taiwan.

10 facts about Taiwan

1. Taiwan in fact The Republic of China is a place with absorbing history. Discovered by Portugese sailors in 1542 . Amazed by nature they shoouted „Ilha Formosa” what menas „beautiful land”. During the many years of Dutch, and Spanish rules , occupated by Japanese between 1893- 1945 and having with Beijin sharply disagree on the island’s status. They seems to be highly motivated and proud of their Taiwanese identity. In fact they have own military, own President and a lot of cultural difference to The People’s Republic of China- mainland China.

2. They are one of the the most powerful economies in Asia called „Fours Asian Tigers”. Next to Singapore, South Korea and Honk Kong distinguishing themselves by the export oriented economy with low taxes and buisness oriented politics. Tax-heaven attracts foreign investors who help them build finanacial centers.

10 facts about Taiwan

3.The most popular shop here is 7eleven. Tha american international chain of convenience stores is owned by Japanesse. 7Eleven stand out from the other shops due to his huge numer of over 60 thousands of locations around the world. Sometimes I had situation to see more than one shop next to the other. You can buy there every sufficiet daily use products such as coffe, prepared food, snacks, various assortment of beverages. Compering to Poland it is very suchlike to „Żabka”. Literally the same politic. You cand find 7eleven in every corner of East Asia, Australia, North America and few countries of Scandinavian Peninsula.

10 facts about Taiwan

4. Due to their cultural difference to Mainland China they use other characters. They are using fantizi(繁体字) means original complex of simplified Chinese character. From my experience I have to say it is quite disadvantage for me. Probably whole world outside of Taiwan and Honk Kong is learning jiantizi (简体字) meaning simplified Chinese characters. The characters here are always much more complicated to write. Simplified characters were made to encourage literacy. In my case I learn only simplified. They are oficially using around the world and much easier to learn.

5. Most of Taiwanese girls avoid sun. They bieleve that pale skin is fashionable and pretty. They even use umbrella to avoid the tan. Trend has developed so much that even man start adopting it in their regular life. It is probably the fear of being identify with the other Asian country.

6. TAIPEI 101 formally knows as Taipej World Financial Center is one of the highest building in the world. It was the highest building in the world between 2004 and 2010. Then Burj Khalifa from Dubai increased world record. Cost of TAIPEI 101 was almost 2 billions $. As you can see not only people want to show their status. Countries also trying to show their potencial and power in many different ways. However it impressed with its appearance and ingenious design.

7.Diversity of food you can see everywhere. For example at my University due to many emigrantes from Pakstian, Uzbekistan and of course Indian you can find diffeerent cousines. Whole Taiwanese cousine is influenced by Japanese nad Chinese cuisine. One of the best dish which I trully reccommend you are noodles. Created by Taiwanese-Japanese inventor Momofuku Ando.

10 facts about Taiwan

8. First Asian nation which approved gay marriage. Taiwan is consider as one of the most LGBT friendly country.

9. They are also pro ecological country. For example in every dining hall at my University I need to separate all things to the different trash. They know that deciosn making now influence nearly future. However in the city center of Taipej I was looking for any trash around 10 minutes. Walking through the streets of TaipeI I was considering why they put a big pressure to everyone and don’t put trash in more places. Many of exchange students also admit it. Today I asked about that one Taiwanese girl. She replied me that you can throw it in convenience shop or hold till home. Welcome in their mentallity.

10. However, the biggest impression made on me a funny thing. As many Asian countries Taiwanese are very disciplined in their regular life. They follow the rules and you can see it literally everywhere. Especially at the MRT station. They have special line where to wait for metro. It is so funny for me to see queue following the lines next to he entrace of metro.

If someone stay till the end of this article I am really thankfull! I am really excited to share with you my exchange experience. Today I tried to write about basic things from Taiwan which were insteresting for me. I tried to collect the most interesting facts I heard, see or read in the last few days. I skipped also many facts such as earthquakes, prohibited of dogs meat and plum blossom which symbolize Taiwane perseverance and courage. However it is my beginning with writing blog. As well I will explain every memorable thing worthy to remember. I can’t wait to create next posts!

Have a good day! #onceerasmusforevererasmus

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