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Experience in Riga, Latvia by Baltpark

Published by flag- Baltpark hotel — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-lv Erasmus experiences Riga, Riga, Latvia


What is it like to live in Riga? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

It’s one of the cheapest places to live in developed Europe. Riga, the capital of Latvia, is a charming city. Because Latvia is only home to two million people, you’re bound to run into some of the same folks as you work your way into the Latvian culture.

What is the student lifestyle like in Riga?

Foreign students are often truly surprised of how beautiful and interesting the capital of Latvia is. Fantastic architecture, vivid cultural life, friendly and helpful people – this is how foreign students describe Riga.

How much does it cost to live in Riga?

While Latvia real estate prices are expected to see some appreciation now that the country is on the Euro currency, there are plenty of cheap apartments. You can get a halfway decent place for 500-600 euros per month, and go up from there. If you need luxury, there are plenty of high-end homes in Riga and Jurmula. The cost of living when it comes to food can be quite cheap. Even some of the city’s better restaurants offer business lunches for as little as five euros, which come complete with coffee, tea, or sometimes even wine. There are a number of trendy bars where drinks can be had for four or five euros, as well.


Is it difficult to find accommodation in Riga? Is there any advice you can give?

Hotel " Baltpark" ( Riga, Pernavas street 36) offers special prices for students accommodation.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Pelēkie zirņi (grey peas) is a side dish worth trying. Big, grey round peas are boiled and then fried with bacon and usually served with kefīrs (kefir) or skābais krējums (sour cream). A Latvian meal is seldom complete without pork. Even if you order a dish without the national meat, there’s a good chance that the chef has snuck it into your food somehow, usually by cooking other food, including vegetables, in bacon fat. Karbonāde ar kaulu (grilled pork chops), karbonāde (pork schnitzel) and cūkas stilbs (pork knuckle) are all favourites, but for more exotic pig dishes keep an eye out for cūkas ausis (pig’s ears), grūdenis (pig’s head stew) and cūkas kājas (pig’s feet).

What places would you recommend visiting in Riga?

The Old Town itself is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and Riga was named the European City of Culture for 2014. Latvia has four national parks, including Gauju National Park in the Gauju Valley, which features more than 500 monuments. What is more, half of Latvia’s land area is actually untouched ecosystems, offering further natural beauty.

Is the nightlife good in Riga? Where is good to go?

Riga is the party Capital of The Baltic States and has some of the best nightclubs!


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