Arrangements for Amsterdam

It has gone fast but I am already preparing myself for moving to Amsterdam. In the beginning, I did feel comfortable with moving but I started to look forward for my new beginning. I think that it must be always like this: someone does not want to move because it is uncomfortable but in the end it is a good decision. It is always an important experience. I will listen to the quote: “Each experience is important. Go for it! ”. Moreover, I guess that I don’t want to leave only because I know I have to go. If I was staying I would probably complain that I need to plan some travelling. After France, I really feel obsessed with travelling and exploring new things. I have worries that I will never have enough. I am already thinking about my plans for summer. Although if I'm studying in two universities at one moment (Czech and Holland one), it would be better to come to Prague after to finish the studies but let´s see how it will be. Two months in the Czech Republic went really fast. I did not have time to do everything I wanted to but I did most of the things.

Firstly, I went to visit my father and grandparents. I really feel sorry that I promised them to come there again before I go but I don’t think I can make it since I am leaving in less than one week. It is always great to see my family but they live quite far (one hour from Hradec) and sometimes I have even problems to see my mum and sister. Therefore, I will have to go there later when I am back from Amsterdam. I also saw many friends I had not seen for ages! It started with David, Sasa, Kelly, Luca and people from Hradec. I am still going to see my friend Charlotte from dancing class on Friday and I can not wait to see her. I already saw Honza yesterday and I had a lunch together with him. Moreover, I am thinking about small good-bye party on Sunday, but I haven’t decided yet.

Arrangements around Amsterdam

In Adelitas, it is getting sad because day by day I have to say good-bye to someone. Today I am having my last shift with Misa. I was planning on going for some beers on Saturday night when I have my last shift there. My excitement about this job still stayed the same because I always like working there and I look forward to going there. Today I had an exact example of it. I was supposed to go to Provident and the idea of going there discouraged me so much that I did not go. With Adelitas it is different. Even though sometimes I am lazy to go there, I know that it will be fine there with people. Of course, it depends on situation. For example yesterday, the restaurant was quite empty so I did not enjoy working there much. Hopefully, today it will be better. I also need to go to La Casa Blu to see people there! I am planning to do it on Friday! I also decided to take an extra shift in Adelitas on Friday.

Arrangements around Amsterdam

Regarding Provident, I did not behave well. On my way to Budapest I realized that maybe I could let them know that I am leaving soon. At least, I decided to write them an email. I have to say that they were so nice and they just answered they were wishing me luck. Today, it was even worse because when I realized I would have to come there and work there again I decided to skip it. I don’t know why but I feel super super super tired today. I decided to sleep longer and then I wrote them an email saying I am not going to work there anymore and I could come to sign the end of my contract and hand in my entrance card. They were again super nice and they allowed me to do it. Therefore, I went there just to give them the card back. It was such a great feeling to know that I do not have to go there anymore. Regarding travel insurance, I went to my insurance company and I started a contract. I have to remember that I am obliged to send them a proof of study and I have to rearrange it again in the end of year!

I also finally write a letter of attorney for my friend because I will not be here for the day when we are supposed to confirm studying in Prague. She is amazing because she will do it instead of me. With my mum, we also paid for the tuition fee. Finally! Therefore, I already have accommodation, ticket for the bus and tuition fee done. It is funny that I decided to travel by bus from Monday to Tuesday because I don’t want to be in Amsterdam earlier. I am already reading a lot of posts from Amsterdam about hanging out, but I am not interested yet. Also, I wanted to have at least two days for packing and I will have one and half. That´s why I will come to Amsterdam on Tuesday morning at 7 am. I will probably have to take a taxi to get to my accommodation and hopefully my roommate will be waiting for me. At 9 am we will start with the introduction day! I really don’t know what to expect... I am getting scared and excited at the same moment.

Arrangements around Amsterdam

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