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Experience in Poznań, Poland by Maksym

Published by flag-ua Maksym Polovyi — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-pl Erasmus experiences Poznan, Poznan, Poland


What is it like to live in Poznan? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

I'd sure recommend Poznan to anyone. It's a Students' City - with the three biggest universities in Western Poland, there are more than 100, 000 students (1/5 of the population at least).

It's a very neat and tidy place and there are parks, a river, lakes, and very clean air. The weather is quite cold, but if you are used to it, or if you prefer cold climate, you'll definitely like it.

How much does it cost to live in Poznan?

If you live in a dormitory, and you cook all your meals (which is what I recommend you to do - good and tasty meals will be quite expensive) - you can live on $250 easily.


Is it difficult to find accommodation in Poznan? Is there any advice you can give?

If you are ready to pay $300 per month you can easily find a 2room/4bed flat. Dormitories are not that full, and they offer a place to most of the students. Generally, I'd say that finding an accommodation is not too hard.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

The food... well. Polish people like potatoes, with soups, and meat. Maybe not the best I have tasted.

I've really enjoyed local cheese, sausages, and beer. But, don't, ever, by the cheapest sorts available.


What places would you recommend visiting in Poznan?

The "New Zoo" is magnificent. Malta lake district offers a wide range of entertainments.

Is it good to eat out in Poznan? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

No. The food is ok, but nothing more. But, it's good to drink out - there are lots of "beer and vodka" bars around.


Is the nightlife good in Poznan? Where is good to go?

I have no idea.


What advice would you give future students heading to Poznan?

Try all local beers - you'll never know what is waiting for you in the next bottle. But generally it's good and tasty. Besides, visit other places, since there are hundreds of small towns near Poznań.

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