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Experience in Poznań, Poland by Anna

Published by flag-pl Anna Czerniawska — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-pl Erasmus experiences Poznan, Poznan, Poland

What is it like to live in Poznań? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

The city is quite nice, in the evenings it's a really beautifull place. It's also quite close to the polish seaside - you need to visit it!

What is the student lifestyle like in Poznań?

The student lifestyle is quite good, but nice places are a little bit expensive. You can find an affordable and cool places though. Living in Poznań is not boring! You can go to the concerts, exhibitions, pubs and clubs. In many places students are given the discounts! Don't forget to ask stuff about special students prices.

How much does it cost to live in Poznań?

In compare to Europe, living in Poznań is quite cheap. Nice drinks are like 5€, dinner in the restaurant is about 10-15€ (in the nice, cool place), but you can find cheaper places like bar mleczny, where you will pay about 3-5€ for a meal! Accommodation is about 200€ - 250€.


Is it difficult to find accommodation in Poznań? Is there any advice you can give?

For me it was quite difficult, because I was looking for a place with nice standard. In Poland we still have a lot of "old" buildings. Try to avoid them - they have really nice prices but they are causing many problems. If you are looking for a room try to search on Old e Otodom.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

I'm not a big fan of typical polish food but there is few dishes you need to try. First of all, russian dumplings! Also, "bigos" and polish pickles. But in Poznań you can eat food from all around the world.

What places would you recommend visiting in Poznań?

I'd recommend visiting:

  • Centrum Kultury Zamek - there are really nice exhibitions!
  • Muzeum Brama Poznania - thats a really modern museum about polish history
  • Termy Maltańskie - aqua park in Poznań
  • Poznań Old Market
  • Christmas Market on Plac Wolności in December


Is it good to eat out in Poznań? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

Yeah! It's one of the best spots on the "Poland's food map". I really love Domu and Weranda Family restaurants (they are quite fancy ones), Ta Pasta (its a pasta place), Pizza Boyz and Mr Pankejk, Manekin, BubbleWaffels, Pasibus and BobbyBurger, Dym na Wildzie, Olimp restaurants (those are restaurants in shopping malls). You have a lot of great places to choose from.

Is the nightlife good in Poznań? Where is good to go?

Nightlife is good! I love Pacha and Cuba Libre - there are latino clubs. But Czekolada is also a nice one (but you need to go there after midnight). For "before" you need to try Czupito - it's a shot bar.

What advice would you give future students heading to Poznań?

Don't worry, you will have fun! It's a great city !

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