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Erasmus Experience in Poznań, Poland by Manuel

Why did you choose to go to Poznań, Poland?

A cousin of mine was already here for 5 years and he told me it was really good.


How long does the scholarship last? How much money do you receive as help?

In my case 5 months and I receive 1000 euros from the European Union.

How is the student atmosphere in Poznań?

There is a lot of student atmosphere, lots of international students and above all Spanish xD

Would you recommend the city and the University of Poznań to other students?


How is the country's food?

More or less like in Spain, a bit worse here (you miss the good ham haha).


How much does it cost to live in Poznań?

About 350 euros

What is the language like? Did you go to some course at the University?

The Polish students who know English, know it wonderfully. But normally the majority don't know it.

What is the most economic way of getting to Poznań from your city?

Aeroplane Madrid-Berlin and from Berlin catch the "Polski bus" until Poznań for about 10 euros.

What places would you recommend for going out partying in Poznań?

Pijalnia, Cuba Libre (90% of the time you will go here if you are Erasmus xD).

And for eating in Poznań? Can you mention your favourite places?

Manekin, Piccolo...


And as a cultural visit?

Lake Malta, Lake Rusalka (the best for me), Park Cytadela, Stary Ryneck Square, and right now I can't remember any more, but being here you will see everything in a couple of days, it's not a very big city.

Some advice that you want to give to future students in Poznań?

Have good English and come to the first four-month semester!

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